highly customizable color picker component library
- 🎹 built-in keyboard navigation
- 📱 mobile support
- 🤸‍♂️ accessibility information
- 🤯 works without javascript (fallback to the browser default color picker)
- 🏇 it’s compatible with form libraries
- 🧩 fully customizable
- 🔨 full typescript support
- đź–¤ dark theme support
The library uses 2 libraries:
- colord: lightest color conversion library on the market at the time and supports a11y contrasts
- svelte-awesome-slider: another library I crafted and is higlhy customizable.
This documentation is the documentation of svelte-awesome-color-picker v4, rewritten in Svelte 5. If you are looking to upgrate to v4, see the section upgrade from v3 to v4. If you are looking for the v3 documentation, you may go through the markdown files of the repo.
npm i -D svelte-awesome-color-picker
The same documentation can be seen on Github, on the npm registry or on the documentation site. I would suggest to visite the documentation site since it has interactive examples!
- 🛫 Documentation
- 🌟 Github repository
- 🌴 Npm repository
- đź‘Ś Changelog
Default layout
Source code
import ColorPicker from 'svelte-awesome-color-picker';
Color props
let hex = "#f6f0dc" let rgb = undefined; let hsv = undefined; let color = "// instance of Colord"
Chrome variant
Source code
import ColorPicker, { ChromeVariant } from 'svelte-awesome-color-picker';
<ColorPicker bind:rgb bind:hsv bind:hex components={ChromeVariant} sliderDirection="horizontal" />
Accessibility notice variant
contrast : 1.14
contrast : 1.14
contrast : 1.14
contrast : 3.51
AASource code
import ColorPicker, { A11yVariant } from 'svelte-awesome-color-picker';
{ textHex: '#FFF', reverse: true, placeholder: 'background' },
{ textHex: '#FFF', bgHex: '#FF0000', reverse: true, placeholder: 'background' },
{ bgHex: '#FFF', placeholder: 'title', size: 'large' },
{ bgHex: '#7F7F7F', placeholder: 'button' }
Note: set both attributes resverse
and bgHex
when you are chosing a transparency background color over a non white background.
Nullable version
The color of this example is not bound to the background since it would make other color pickers to break.
Source code
import ColorPicker from 'svelte-awesome-color-picker';
<ColorPicker {hex} {rgb} {hsv} nullable />
right to left aligned version
Source code
import ColorPicker from 'svelte-awesome-color-picker';
<ColorPicker {hex} {rgb} {hsv} dir="rtl" />
Always open version
Source code
import ColorPicker, { ChromeVariant } from 'svelte-awesome-color-picker';
Bind event ’ In this example, the color is appended to the history at each event.
Source code
onInput={(event) => {
historyHex = [...historyHex, event.hex];
if (historyHex.length > 5) historyHex.shift();
history variable
let history = []
Override the css variables
Source code
Dark theme
Source code
import ColorPicker from 'svelte-awesome-color-picker';
<div class="dark">
<ColorPicker />
.dark {
--cp-bg-color: #333;
--cp-border-color: white;
--cp-text-color: white;
--cp-input-color: #555;
--cp-button-hover-color: #777;
Translate the color picker
Note: the texts
props can be partially overridden. It’s mostly used to translate the component. Most texts are used for accessibility aria-labels.
Source code
label="Choisir une couleur"
label: {
h: 'teinte',
s: 'saturation',
v: 'luminosité',
r: 'rouge',
g: 'vert',
b: 'bleu',
a: 'transparence',
hex: 'couleur hexadécimale',
withoutColor: 'sans couleur'
color: {
rgb: 'rgb',
hsv: 'hsv',
hex: 'hex'
changeTo: 'changer Ă '
The library exports 4 different things:
- The color picker as a default export
: the Chrome variantA11yVariant
: the accessibility variant (to display a panel which shows the WCAG grades)HsvaColor
: the two types defining HSV and RGB colors
Color picker
name | type | default value | usage |
components | Partial<Components> | {} | customize the ColorPicker component parts. Can be used to display a Chrome variant or an Accessibility Notice |
label | string | 'Choose a color' | input label, hidden when the ColorPicker is always shown (prop isDialog={false} ) |
name | string | undefined | undefined | input name, useful in a native form |
nullable | boolean | false | if set to true, the color picker becomes nullable (rgb, hsv and hex set to undefined) |
rgb | RgbaColor | null | bindable rgb color | |
hsv | HsvaColor | null | bindable hsv color | |
hex | string | null | bindable hex color | |
color | Colord | null | null | bindable Colord color |
isDark | boolean | false | bindable indicator whether the selected color is light or dark |
isAlpha | boolean | true | if set to false, disables the alpha channel |
isDialog | boolean | true | if set to false, the input and the label will not be displayed and the ColorPicker will always be visible |
isOpen | boolean | !isDialog | bindable indicator of the popup state |
position | 'fixed' | 'responsive' | 'responsive-x' | 'responsive-y' | 'responsive' | if set to “responsive”, the popup will adjust its x and y position depending on the available window space, “responsive-x” and “responsive-y” limit the behavior to either the x or y axis |
dir | 'ltr' | 'rtl' | 'ltr' | directionality left to right, or right to left |
isTextInput | boolean | true | if set to false, hide the hex, rgb and hsv text inputs |
textInputModes | Array<'hex' | 'rgb' | 'hsv'> | ['hex', 'rgb', 'hsv'] | configure which hex, rgb and hsv inputs will be visible and in which order. If overridden, it is necessary to provide at least one value |
sliderDirection | 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'vertical' | If set to “horizontal”, the hue and alpha sliders will be displayed horizontally. It is necessary to set this props to “horizontal” for the ChromeVariant |
disableCloseClickOutside | boolean | false | If set to true, it will not be possible to close the color picker by clicking outside |
a11yColors | Array<A11yColor> | [{ bgHex: '#ffffff' }] | used with the A11yVariant. Define the accessibility examples in the color picker |
a11yLevel | 'AA' | 'AAA' | 'AA' | required WCAG contrast level |
texts | TextsPartial | undefined | undefined | all translation tokens used in the library; can be partially overridden; see full object type |
a11yTexts | A11yTextsPartial | undefined | undefined | all a11y translation tokens used in the library; override with translations if necessary; see full object type |
onInput | ((color: { hsv: HsvaColor | null; rgb: RgbaColor | null; hex: string | null; color: Colord | null }) => void) | undefined | event listener, dispatch an event when the color changes |
Event | Type | Usage |
input | { color, hsv, rgb, hex } | Event fired on every color change (click & drag & mouse, touch) |
See the example Bind event ’onInput
css variables
Props | Default Value | Usage |
--picker-height | 200px | picker & sliders height |
--picker-width | 200px (260px for the Chrome variant) | picker width |
--slider-width | 30px | sliders width |
--picker-indicator-size | 10px | picker indicator size |
--picker-z-index | 2 | popup picker z-index |
--input-size | 25px | color circle size |
--focus-color | red | focus color |
--cp-bg-color | white | background color |
--cp-border-color | black | border color |
--cp-text-color | --cp-border-color | text color |
--cp-input-color | #eee | background color of the inputs |
--cp-button-hover-color | #ccc | background color of the hovered button |
See the example Override the css variables.
The color picker can be customized with components. The details and props are detailed below. It is easier to copy the library components and tweak them to your needs.
A Chrome variant and an accessibility variant are available. To use the Chrome variant you need to set the props sliderDirection
to horizontal
. You can also partially overwrite the components:
import ColorPicker, { ChromeVariant } from 'svelte-awesome-color-picker';
import CustomInput from '$lib/path/to/my/awesome/variant/Input.svelte';
import CustomWrapper from '$lib/path/to/my/awesome/variant/Wrapper.svelte';
let rgb;
<!-- example with the default display and a custom Input component -->
<ColorPicker bind:rgb components={{ input: CustomInput }} />
<!-- example with the Chrome variant and a custom Wrapper component -->
<ColorPicker bind:rgb components={{ ...ChromeVariant, wrapper: CustomWrapper }} />
<!-- example with the ChromeVariant -->
<ColorPicker bind:rgb components={ChromeVariant} sliderDirection="horizontal" />
The components that can be overridden are:
The 3 components a11yNotice
, a11ySummary
and a11ySingleNotice
are no longer included by default but can still be defined or passed through the a11yVariant object. This change was made in version 3.0.0 to lighten the library for those who do not use it.
Some components are no longer customizable in version 3.0.0: pickerWrapper
, sliderWrapper
, alphaWrapper
, sliderIndicator
and alphaIndicator
. Instead you can either use the css variables or you can style them from the wrapper
Component representing the picker indicator.
- The component should be positioned with
position: absolute;
. - It should also have the css property
pointer-events: none;
name | type | default value | usage |
pos | { x: number; y: number } | required indicator position in % |
Component representing the rgb / hex / hsv textual input below the picker
name | type | default value | usage |
isAlpha | boolean | required if set to false, disables the alpha channel | |
rgb | RgbaColor | required, bindable rgb color | |
hsv | HsvaColor | required, bindable hsv color | |
hex | string | required, bindable hex color | |
textInputModes | Array<'hex' | 'rgb' | 'hsv'> | required configure which hex, rgb and hsv inputs will be visible and in which order. If overridden, it is necessary to provide at least one value | |
texts | Texts | required all translation tokens used in the library; can be partially overridden; see full object type | |
onInput | (color: { hsv?: HsvaColor; rgb?: RgbaColor; hex?: string }) => void | required, event listener, dispatch an event when one of the color changes |
Component representing the button to open the color picker and a hidden input with the hex value selected by the user
name | type | default value | usage |
labelElement | HTMLLabelElement | undefined | required, bindable DOM element of the label wrapper | |
hex | string | null | required hex color | |
label | string | required input label | |
name | string | undefined | undefined | input name, useful in a native form |
dir | 'ltr' | 'rtl' | required directionality left to right, or right to left |
Encapsulates the whole color picker
name | type | default value | usage |
wrapper | HTMLElement | undefined | required, bindable DOM element of the wrapper element | |
isOpen | boolean | required indicator of the popup state | |
isDialog | boolean | required if set to true, the wrapper should have a dialog role and be absolute. It should be relative otherwise | |
children | import('svelte').Snippet | required children |
Displays the checkbox to toggle an undefined value
name | type | default value | usage |
isUndefined | boolean | required, bindable whether the color picker is undefined | |
texts | Texts | required all translation tokens used in the library; can be partially overridden; see full object type |
Component displaying accessible contrast issues with the color chosen.
name | type | default value | usage |
components | Components | required customize the ColorPicker component parts. Can be used to display a Chrome variant or an Accessibility Notice | |
hex | string | required hex color | |
a11yColors | Array<A11yColor> | required define the accessibility examples in the color picker | |
a11yLevel | 'AA' | 'AAA' | required required WCAG contrast level | |
a11yTexts | A11yTextsPartial | undefined | undefined | all a11y translation tokens used in the library; override with translations if necessary; see full object type |
Type A11yColor:
type A11yColor = {
placeholder?: string;
size?: 'normal' | 'large';
} & (
| {
textHex: string;
bgHex: string;
reverse: true;
| {
bgHex: string;
reverse?: false;
Attribute | Type | Usage |
placeholder | string | placeholder text, default to Lorem Ipsum |
size | normal, large | used to check the contrast guidelines |
reverse | boolean | set to true if the color picker is used to chose a background color |
textHex | string | when choosing the background color, defines the text color |
bgHex | string | when choosing the text color, defines the background color ; hen choosing th background color, defines the color behind (in case of transparency) |
read more about this component accessibility in the a11y section.
component display the accessibility result of the color over a single item of the a11yColors
name | type | default value | usage |
placeholder | string | undefined | undefined | placeholder, falls back to Lorem Ipsum |
size | 'normal' | 'large' | undefined | undefined | size of the text |
a11yLevel | 'AA' | 'AAA' | required required WCAG contrast level | |
textColor | string | required placeholder text color | |
bgColor | string | required placeholder background color | |
contrast | number | 1 | RGAA contrast between the text and its background. Between 1 and 21 |
contrastText | string | required define the accessibility “contrast” text |
The component itself
The svelte-awesome-color-picker uses svelte-awesome-slider (also made by me) to display the sliders. This library follows the W3c slider component accessibility guidelines.
The color picker follows the W3c component dialog combobox accessibility guidelines.
Accessibility notice
The component can display an accessibility notice that updates the WCAG contrast grades by using the a11yVariant
component override.
The contrast between 2 colors is a value between 1 and 21. It is computed with the colord a11y plugin library based on WCAG 2.0 guidelines for contrast accessibility.
A contrast between 2 colors succeed if it follows the WCAG contrast guidelines:
Text size | AA | AAA |
small text (18.5px) | contrast > 4.5 | contrast > 7 |
big text (24px) | contrast > 3 | contrast > 4.5 |
In the default A11ySingleNotice
component that renders the AA and AAA tags, the small text values are used (can be configured for each reference color with the color
See and the accessibility notice variant example and the definition of the A11yColor type for more information.
How to
Fix overflow issues inside a container
If you use the ColorPicker component inside a container that is set with overflow: auto
or overflow: hidden
, the picker will be hidden outside of the wrapper.
To fix this, you can override the Wrapper
component and use the svelte-portal library to render the picker outside of your container. An example of how to do that is presented in this svelte-awesome-color-picker portal REPL.
Fix overflow issues in the window
Please set the position
props to responsive
as stated in the props section.
Use the color of the document
Override the css variable --cp-border-color
body {
--cp-border-color: currentColor;
If you have a dark theme, make sure to handle it correctly.
upgrade from v3 to v4
The major version 4 have been released with a rewrite in Svelte 5. From now on, the library will only be compatible with Svelte 5. This comes with some breaking changes:
- drop Svelte < 5 support
- color props can be
and can no longer beundefined
- event dispatch has been replaced with event props named
upgrade from v2 to v3
The major version 3 has been released to remove accessibility issues (see issue #43). The library now comes with the possibility to deselect a color and it is also possible to theme the picker for dark themes. The library has also been made simpler and lighter. This comes with some breaking changes:
were removed, you can use css variables in thewrapper
component for design customization and texts in thetexts
props instead for translating the library.- props
has been removed. The accessibility display is now a variant:<ColorPicker components={A11yVariant} />
. This change has been made to reduce the library bundle size. - props
have been merged and renamed asisDialog
. - props
has been replaced bysliderDirection="horizontal"
. - props
have been removed.